Blossoms of the Night

Sarah Johnston

After graduating from the AU Arts in 2008 Sarah has spent the last fifteen years working creatively in her field of study of Design. With well over a decade of mural experience she has completed works that range from large scale road paintings, Augmented Reality window paintings, large and small utility boxes, and exterior format banners.

Most recently, completing some mural panels for the Town of Sylvan Lake. She prefers to design murals with traditional methods of pencil, ink and marker comps. This
allows for the freedom and flexibility when placing the
artwork on site to make the work fit the space from a human scale and turn site constraints into unique features of the artwork.

Her designs are inspired by the local landscapes and perspectives of the mural sites. Often resulting in nature themed work. She believes that small, meaningful choices can be combined for larger impact that allows the viewers to relate to the artwork in a positive manner.